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Developing Practice-Oriented Education

Developing Practice-Oriented Education

A meeting was held at the Secretariat of the Investment Council under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic with representatives of Ala-Too University, Dimitry Euler and Elmira Usenova. The discussion was attended by Uluk Kydyrbaev, Head of the Secretariat, as well as experts Cholpon Asakeeva and Azem Akmatbek.

The key topic of the meeting was the development of practice-oriented education and strengthening collaboration between universities, businesses, and government institutions. One of the initiatives discussed was the launch of acceleration programs aimed at training students in regulatory impact assessment (RIA) methods, equipping them with both legal foundations and economic analysis tools to help them better understand the policymaking process in the investment sector.

Additionally, the organization of an investment-themed hackathon was discussed. This initiative will provide students with practical experience in legal analysis and RIA tools, allowing them to adapt to the demands of the modern job market. The best projects developed during the hackathon will receive support for further implementation.

This experience could serve as a model for cooperation with other universities across the country, particularly in the regions. Strengthening the connection between education, business, and government support will not only help prepare highly skilled professionals but also enhance their competitiveness in both local and international labor markets.

The Investment Council Secretariat actively supports initiatives aimed at creating an ecosystem for innovation and entrepreneurial development and is ready to collaborate with educational and business institutions to bring these initiatives to life.

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PPP in the Development of Preschool Education

PPP in the Development of Preschool Education

The lack of kindergartens in the regions is a pressing issue that requires effective solutions!

Currently, the shortage of preschool education facilities limits children's access to quality education and creates additional challenges for families and the economy as a whole.

How can we solve this problem?

Public-Private Partnership (PPP) is a mechanism that can significantly improve the situation. Private investors who invest in the construction of kindergartens not only contribute to their communities but also receive beneficial conditions for their businesses.

Why is PPP an effective solution?

- For the state: expansion of educational infrastructure, reduced burden on the budget, attraction of private investments, and more.
- For businesses: tax incentives, preferential loans, government guarantees, and the opportunity to implement socially significant projects.

Want to learn more?
Contact the PPP Center specialists for more information:
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+996 (312) 30 01 72

Invest in the future of children!
PPP – a profitable and socially responsible choice!

Link to the Video

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Green Economy and Business Support

Green Economy and Business Support

On February 11, the Secretariat of the Investment Council under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic hosted a meeting with Bermet Kanimetova, Executive Director of the Association of Legal Entities "Green Alliance KG", and Cholpon Asakeeva, an expert from the Secretariat.

The discussion focused on the 2025 plans of "Zelyony Alliance" and the Investment Council, key challenges in sustainable development and the green economy, as well as mechanisms for preferential lending to small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs).

Special attention was given to support mechanisms for businesses implementing environmentally sustainable projects. In the face of global climate change and economic transformation, it is crucial to develop effective financial instruments that help businesses adapt to new realities and introduce innovative solutions.

The Secretariat of the Investment Council and "Zelyony Alliance KG" agreed to strengthen cooperation in attracting green investments, developing renewable energy, supporting eco-entrepreneurship, and promoting sustainable development principles in the Kyrgyz Republic.

Work in these areas will continue, with upcoming joint initiatives aimed at advancing the green economy and supporting SMEs.

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Kyrgyz-Chinese Cooperation: Outcomes of the State Visit and Investment Prospects

Kyrgyz-Chinese Cooperation: Outcomes of the State Visit and Investment Prospects

From February 4 to 7, 2025, President of the Kyrgyz Republic, Sadyr Japarov, paid a state visit to the People's Republic of China, reaffirming the high level of strategic partnership between the two nations. During meetings with Chinese President Xi Jinping and Chinese Premier Li Qiang, key issues related to trade, economic cooperation, investment, and infrastructure development were discussed.

On the Ala-Too 24 state television channel, during the Ala-Too Live program, Uluk Kydyrbaev, Head of the Secretariat of the Investment Council under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic, spoke live to highlight the visit’s significance and its economic impact.

Uluk Kydyrbaev emphasized that Kyrgyz-Chinese cooperation has entered a new phase, marked by tangible economic transformation. Previously, bilateral discussions were primarily strategic and political, but today, we see real investment and infrastructure projects that are either being implemented or are in the final stages of approval.

Key Projects Transforming the Kyrgyz Economy

"China – Kyrgyz Republic – Uzbekistan" Railway

A project that had been in development for over 20 years has finally moved into active implementation. This railway will become a major transport corridor linking Central Asia with the Middle East and Europe, creating new logistics opportunities, expediting trade flows, and generating thousands of new jobs in the Kyrgyz Republic.

Expansion of Trade and Infrastructure

China remains the Kyrgyz Republic’s largest trading partner, with bilateral trade reaching a record $22.71 billion in 2024. Additionally, the Toruugart and Irkeshtam border checkpoints have been upgraded and now operate 24/7, significantly facilitating cross-border trade and improving business conditions.

Development of Cross-Border and E-Commerce

The "Two Countries – Two Parks" project aims to enhance cross-border trade, develop digital commerce, and expand exports of Kyrgyz goods to the Chinese market. This initiative will increase the country’s export potential and simplify access for Kyrgyz products to international markets.

Additionally, the completion of the "North-South" highway will become a key component of national transport infrastructure, connecting northern and southern regions and significantly reducing travel times.

According to Uluk Kydyrbaev, ongoing transformations in Kyrgyz-Chinese relations are already having a direct impact on the country’s development. These projects enhance economic stability, create employment opportunities, and open new prospects for businesses.

Furthermore, partnership with China provides the Kyrgyz Republic with greater integration into global economic processes, particularly within the "Belt and Road Initiative," which is shaping new transport and logistics routes across Eurasia.

The Kyrgyz Republic and China demonstrate a high level of trust and long-term cooperation. The implementation of joint projects will not only contribute to economic growth in both countries but also strengthen regional stability and facilitate Central Asia’s integration into global markets.

The full version of the interview is available here (in Russian)

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